Institute of Sensory Organs

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  • The Audiofon Conference – new date(current)

The Scientific and Organizing Committee of the XV Scientific and Training Conference of the Audiological and Phoniatric Section of the Polish Society of Otorhinolaryngologists Head and Neck Surgeons informs that the Audiofon Conference is postpone due to concerns regarding COVID-19.

The Audiofon Conference is postponed to another term associated with the XXXV World Congress of Audiology.

The new date of the conference was set for April 18-19, 2021.

– Thank you to everyone who contributed to the creation of the scientific program and submitted abstracts, prepared papers and proposed scientific sessions. Further information on organizational matters, including fees, will be published on the Audiofon Conference website and sent to you by e-mail – prof. dr hab. n. med. dr h.c. multi Henryk Skarżyński, Chairman of the Scientific and Organizing Committee.

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