VI International Salon of Inventions and New Technologies “NEW TIME”
Special prize of the Korea Invention Promotion Assosiation at the 21th International Invention, Innovation and Technology Exhibition ITEX 2010, Kulala Lumpur, Malaysia 2010
Special award for the Senses Examination Platform of the “Taiwan Invention Association” at the Seoul International Invention Fair 2010
Home Rehabilitation Clinic, presented by the Institute of Sensory Organs and the Institute of Physiology and Pathology of Hearing was awarded at the International Inventions Fair in Seoul. 2-5 December 2010, COEX Convention and Exhibition Center, Seoul.
Special prize of the Association „ Russian House for International Sceintific Technological Cooperation” at the 21th International Invention, Innovation and Technology Exhibition ITEX 2010, Kulala Lumpur, Malaysia 2010
62nd iENA Nuremberg International Trade Show – “Ideas-Inventions-New Products”
The statuette of the 2010 Innovation Leader was handed in during the 5th All-Poland INTARG Economic and Scientific Innovation Fair held in Katowice on 23-25 April 2010. The ceremony of handing in the distinction for the “Senses Examination Platform” solution took place on 24 April 2010.
During the 38th International Exhibition of Inventions “INVENTIONS GENEVA” held on 21-25 April 2010, the Senses Examination Platform was honoured with a gold medal granted by an international jury and the special award of the Republic of Iran. The exhibition was organised under the patronage of the Swiss Federal Government and the World Intellectual Property…
Gold Medal at the 38th International “INVENTIONS GENEVA” Inventions Exchange held on 21-25 April 2010 in the PALEXPO exhibition centre. The exhibition was organised under the patronage of the Swiss Federal Government and the World Intellectual Property Organisation.
The award of the Minister of Science and Higher Education for the particular activity in the promotion of inventions abroad was handed in during the inauguration of the 18th Exchange of Polish Inventions awarded at world exhibitions in 2010. The gala took place on 7 March 2011 in the main building of the Museum in…